Local Deployment

This page is specifically tailored to windows users.


These are essentials that you need to host the bot on your local machine. We recommend Visual Studio Code as the Code Editor as it's generally easier to use.

Step by Step Walkthrough

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/night0721/cath.exe

2. Rename the .env.example file into .env

  • Bot Token

  • Application ID (Client ID)

  • Client Secret

4. To view the logs, Create 5 Channels & 5 Webhooks in a Discord Server corresponding to these logs.

  • Server Log (Log new Server Added/Premium Server)

  • Error Log (Log Unhandled Rejection Error)

  • Ready Log (Log when bot online)

  • Command Log (Log command usage)

  • DM Log (Log when someone send DM to Bot)

You can also just use one Channel & one Webhook for everything but it will be really inconvenient.

5. One by one paste the Webhook URL in a web browser & copy the ID & the TOKEN and paste it in the corresponding fields in the .env file.

6. Setting up Mongo DB

MongoDB Setup

7. Setup a Spotify Application.

Spotify Setup

8. Go back to the Discord Developer's Portal in the OAuth2 tab, Select BOT in the Scopes Section & Select ADMINSTRATORfrom the BOT PERMISSIONS Section.

9. Copy the URL and by using the URL invite the bot to a server.

10. After this, you need to install all dependencies by using this command. This will takes a few minutes.

npm i

11. Now, to start the bot use this command in the terminal.

node .

Last updated