MongoDB Setup

To use the Economy Commands, you need to Setup a MongoDB Database.

  1. Create a Free MongoDB Account

  2. Click on the Create a New Database.

  3. Select the CREATE option in the Shared Tier.

  4. Select a Cloud Provider & Region that is geographically closer to the average user that will use the bot. This will effect the response time of the bot.

  5. Then you can Name your Cluster, after that click on Create Cluster. This should take a couple of minutes.

  6. Then click on Database Access from the sidebar & then click on Add New Database User.

  7. Under the Password - Authentication Method. Enter a username & password. then click on Add User.

  8. After that, click on Network Access from the sidebar & then click on Add IP Address. & click on the Allow Access from Anywhere Then click on Confirm.

  9. now, Click on Database from the sidebar & then click on Connect.

  10. Then on click on Connect your Application. & Copy the link.

  11. The paste that link in the MONGODB field in the .env file.

  12. Now you need to modify that link,

    • Replace <password> with the password for the user that you created in Step 7.

    • Replace myFirstDatabase with the name of the Database that you named in Step 5.

  13. That's it.

Last updated